jewish holidays
SHABBAT (sha-BOTT) – The Sabbath
The Sabbath commemorates G-d’s day of rest on the seventh day of creation. Shabbot begins every Friday evening.
ROSH HASHANAH (rosh ha-shah-na) – The New Year
Rosh Hashanah marks the anniversary of the birthday of the world. On this day, people are judged for their actions during the past year.
YOM KIPPUR (yom kippur) – The Day of Atonement
The day is spent in prayer, meditation, and fasting in order to start the year with a clear conscience.
SUKKOT (soo-kot) – The Feast of Tabernacles
The holiday recalls the journey of the Jews from Egypt when they lived in temporary booths.
SHEMINI ATZERET (she-mi-ni ahtz-er-et)- The 8th day of Sukkot
Prayers are said for rain and good crops.
HANUKKAH (HA-noo-kah) Feast of Dedication
This eight day period celebrates the Jewish victory over the Syrians in 165 B.C.E. and their regaining political and religious freedom.
TU B’SHEVAT (Too bih Sh’VOTT) – The 15th Day of Shevat
This holiday marks the birthday of the trees and the beginning of spring in Israel.
PURIM (Poo-rim) – Feast of Lots
Purim is the jolliest of holidays, commemorating how Queen Ester and her cousin Mordercai saved the Jews of Persia from destruction.
PESACH (PEH-sach) – Feast of Passover
This holiday commemorates the ordeals of slavery in Egypt, the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt and the beginning of Jewish independence.
LAG B’OMER (log-bah-O-mer) – The 33rd Day of the Omer Counting or Holiday of Scholars
A day of rejoicing which marks the interruption of a period of mourning associated with the counting of the Omer (a traditional measure of wheat brought to the ancient Temple). It is also a scholars’ holiday and celebrates Jewish survival.
YOM HA’ATZMAUT (yom-ha-ots-mah-OTT) - Israeli Independence Day
This holiday marks the creation of the modern state of Israel, May 14, 1948.
SHAVUOT (she-voo-OT) – Feast of Harvest
Shavuot, a thanksgiving and early wheat harvest feast, also commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
TISHA B’AV (TISH-a-be-AV) – The 9th Day of Av
This is a solemn day of fasting and mourning for the destruction of the first and second Temples in Jerusalem.
Jewish holidays start and end at sunset